
Empowering Global Health by Revolutionizing Cold Chain Logistics

Product-Market Fit Research
Product Strategy
Product UI/UX Design
User Experience Research
Supply Chain
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What if

What if...

We could transform the logistics of vaccine distribution, saving millions of lives and empowering global healthcare?

As the COVID-19 pandemic shook the world, we were presented with a unique challenge. Carrier, a company specialized in cold chain logistics, found themselves in a tight spot. Distributing temperature-sensitive goods like vaccines in a pandemic-stricken world was a challenge they weren't fully prepared for. They reached out to us, seeking a solution to keep the global vaccine distribution running smoothly.

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We did

We did...

Embrace the challenge, and ventured on a journey to revolutionize cold chain logistics.

We dove into extensive research, understanding the cold chain's nuances, and the difficulties in distributing temperature-sensitive goods. We found that existing temperature monitoring devices couldn't handle the ultra-cold temperatures necessary for COVID vaccines. The companies had a poor sight of their supply chain journeys, and a robust temperature tracking and risk management system was the need of the hour.

The quest led us to pilot programs involving various goods like flowers, food, and medicine to identify the most benefiting use cases. Our determination boiled down to designing an innovative product suite that provides end-to-end cold chain visibility, including features for transport logistics, temperature tracking, and risk management.

automation of manual entry for stability forms
< 15 min
from a process that used to take days to weeks
event creation from a 1-2 hour process
Project Highlights
Project Name Here

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The Big Idea: Simplifying Cold Chain Logistics

Imagine if we could simplify the complex world of cold chain logistics and accelerate the global distribution of life-saving vaccines, wouldn't that be transformative? As Carrier’s trusted digital solutions partner, we didn't just imagine this - we made it a reality. Together, we pioneered a streamlined, automated process for temperature tracking in shipping, transforming the landscape of global medicinal transportation and quality evaluation. Through our concerted efforts, we successfully revolutionized temperature tracking, one shipment at a time.

Understanding the Cold Chain Disruption

Empathizing with the situation, we jumped in with both feet. Through intensive research and by interviewing industry professionals, we uncovered several pain points in the current system, including faulty temperature monitoring devices, poor visibility into supply chain journeys, and inadequate risk management strategies.

It is possible to drive the cost of replacement and cost of investigations down to being insignificant with proactive measures.
- Head of Global Trade at a Pharmaceutical Company
Brainstorming for Improved Cold Chain Visibility

Moving on to the ideation stage, we brainstormed a variety of possible pilot programs. With everything from flowers and food to medicines under consideration, our objective was to identify use cases that could most benefit from improved cold chain visibility and risk management.

Zeroing in on a User-centric Approach

Armed with these insights, we defined our task: to design a product suite that would provide end-to-end cold chain visibility, including temperature tracking and risk management features.

Ensuring Functionality and Efficiency

In pursuit of further refining our focus for the product, the how, and the WHY behind providing specific features, we found opportunity to reduce and automate processes.

This was the tool that would empower medical companies, consolidating 10+ systems into a single, efficient source and automating record creation, thus reducing evaluation time and slashing labor costs by 80%.

Building the Game-Changing Tool

Our relentless pursuit of innovation led us to prototype a solution that automated product temperature tracking, reducing the time taken for a temperature excursion evaluation from days to a mere 7 minutes. This high-performing, user-friendly digital tool, we knew, had the potential to change the face of cold chain logistics.

All information was already filled in, this is the most consuming part of the process
– Principal Quality Compliance Specialist
It is a luxury to have this automation
– Sr Manager, Global Supply & Distribution
Ensuring Functionality and Efficiency

We put our prototype through rigorous testing, fine-tuning it based on user feedback, and in-person collaboration sessions to refine the minimum viable product until we were confident of its functionality and efficacy.

Delivering Unprecedented Efficiency in Cold Chain Logistics

Throughout our collaboration with Carrier, we harnessed the power of empathy, innovation, and technology to transform a complex, labor-intensive process into a seamless, automated system. The experience and the insights we gained will continue to guide us as we set sail on our next grand endeavor.

They truly act as a small army with super powers.
– Senior Product Manager at Carrier
A Testament to Collaboration and Innovation

In conclusion, our journey with Carrier is a testament to the incredible possibilities of collaboration and innovation. We not only simplified a complex process but also contributed significantly to the fight against a global pandemic. As we look to the future, we are confident and excited about the transformative journeys yet to be written.

Together, we'll continue to push boundaries, break barriers, and revolutionize industries.

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